One room down...

Phew! Moving is exhausting! We've owned our home for one week and it's safe to say things are chaotic. It wouldn't be so hard if we both didn't have to work, get the kids to school, remember to practice Lilly's violin, do homework, lesson plans, write papers and eat. We're also getting all new plumbing throughout the house this week...and the new kitchen is going in next week. All that to say, our house is far from feeling complete. I was able to complete one room though today after our wonderful friends helped us move in. This was definitely the "low-hanging-fruit" room. All the furniture was stuff we already had and the previous owners did a great job with their paint color selection. One of my favorite things about this house is the attention to details throughout. Each room off of our foyer has french doors, as you can see in this room and I love them! I also love the wainscoting, and the tall windows. One room down...a lot mor...