A new blog for a new year!

Happy New Year! I don't know about you but our household is pretty excited to say Adios to 2017. It's been a year of patience, tackling the unexpected and trying to stay positive when Plan A (and B) falls through.

We spent most of 2017 with one goal: Sell our current home and build our dream home. Spring was focused on getting our house ready to sell. We put it on the market in June and it sold in two days. The next month was full of packing and in August we moved into a tiny apartment with our two girls. In October we began hitting obstacle after obstacle. I started to explain them all in detail and realized I was boring myself. So I'll spare you the drama. The bottom line: we realized in November that perhaps God was telling us to go in a different direction; so that's what we did.

Turns out not many people are selling homes in December. There were only a few on the market but we ended up finding one that we fell in love with. We put in a low-ball offer and got a great deal on the property. We are set to close in a few weeks. The house is great and has excellent bones but there are a few rooms that need some love. I created this blog so that you can walk through the process with us. We'll take it one room at a time. We still feel like we've found our dream home...it's just going to take a bit longer to get it exactly the way we want it. Thanks for coming on this journey with us! Leave a comment-I'd love to get to know you or answer any questions you may have. 

We've all heard the phrase, "If Walls Could Talk"...this blog is a response to that. Follow along and check back frequently to hear what our walls have to say!


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